Manufacturing CMMS Software that Simplifies
Work Management and Reduces Downtime

Easily track assets, repairs, and key performance indicators with eMaint CMMS.

eMaint X5 cmms software shown on a computer screen.

Meet eMaint, the award-winning CMMS for manufacturers that helps you maximize your efficiency and reduce unplanned downtime. eMaint makes it easy to track assets, building materials, work orders, and KPIs. Plus, streamline work management with features like drag-and-drop scheduling, automated cost tracking, and seamless integration with other tools and systems.

eMaint helps maintenance teams streamline ticketing and service requests,
prioritize asset health, and maximize productivity.

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Reduce Unplanned Downtime

Predict machine failures before they occur with 24/7 condition monitoring and automatically triggered work orders.

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Say Goodbye to Paper PMs

Digitize work orders, floor plans, asset management, PM scheduling, and reporting — all in one place.

eMaint X5 computerized maintenance management system (CMMS software) can help access procedures and process repository.

Easily Generate User-Friendly Reports

Gain visibility into KPIs like response times, work order completion, MTTR, MTTB, OEE, and more.

Our manufacturing preventive maintenance experts will learn your
systems inside out and tailor a software package to your needs.

Top 5 Benefits of eMaint for Manufacturers

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Save Time on Daily Activities

Effortlessly manage work orders, asset hierarchy, and spare parts with drag-and-drop preventive maintenance calendars and interactive floor plans at your fingertips.

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Maximize Reliability and Uptime

Reduce costs, improve asset reliability, and maximize uptime. Monitor conditions like temperature and vibration in real time, and automatically trigger work orders at specified thresholds.

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Easily Integrate with Existing Systems

Your maintenance and business processes work in harmony with easy API Integration, Low-Code Integration (ERP, CRM, and more), and SCADA, PLC, and BMS System Integration.

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Work Across Sites, Languages, and the Globe

eMaint is invaluable for multi-site, multilingual, and international companies. Easily standardize processes, personalize user permissions, and tailor settings to each site, from language to currency to time zone.

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Work On the Go with eMaint Mobile App

Manage work orders from anywhere, submit work requests by scanning QR codes on assets, and work offline in the field with confidence that all your work will be uploaded once a connection is available.

Maintenance worker wearing yellow hard hat and goggles while standing and using a laptop

“One of the features the techs really enjoy is that when an operator puts in a work request, the entire maintenance tech team gets an email with that work request attached, as well as some details. If they’re on the go in the plant, they don’t have to go back to a computer to see if any new work requests have come in.”

– Holly Trpik, Reliability Engineer at Asahi Kasei Plastics North America

Our Most Loved Tools for Manufacturing Challenges

eMaint equips you with a wealth of tools for problems unique to manufacturing. Our team will tailor the software to your specific needs, whether you want to simplify your ticketing and service requests, monitor and track assets and spare parts, or better capture and act on data-driven trends. eMaint offers global customer support and the in-depth educational resources that you need to accomplish any goal.

eMaint CMMS mobile view on cell phone

Easily Track Work Orders and Spare Parts

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Techs and managers immediately see work orders so they can quickly provide timelines, simplifying work management.

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Required spare parts and their locations are readily visible, reducing wasted time and effort.

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Work order templates can be customized to include relevant documents, images, and more.

Real-Time Asset Status and Interactive Floor Plans

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Create an interactive floor plan of your buildings, production lines, and specific assets.

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Click into individual assets to learn more about them at a glance.

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Quickly see asset status with pins: available, in-service, offline, etc.

Laptop with eMaint floorplanner screen
eMaint CMMS displayed on laptop

Automatically Generate Reports

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Integrate with tools and software to effortlessly capture data related to machine health and maintenance work.

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Track KPIs like MTTR, MTTB, OEE, downtime, response times, work order completion rates, preventive vs. correction maintenance ratio, and more.

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Illustrative charts and graphs make understanding and acting on data-driven reports easier than ever.

Increase Uptime and Avoid Production Delays

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Gather vibration, temperature, power, pressure, or humidity data from sensors, SCADA systems, and more.

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Set up a normal range for each parameter.

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Set work orders that automatically trigger when parameters exceed predefined thresholds.

eMaint CMMS displayed on laptop

“I am a firm believer in eMaint and Fluke Reliability. From your software to your vibration sensors, you guys are in the business of protecting assets.”

– James Kalinski, Facility Engineer at Advanced Atomization

Food & Beverage Industries

Industrial-sized articulating machine in materials manufacturing plant

Materials Manufacturing

Whether you’re manufacturing plastics, sealants, or any other product, eMaint empowers your team to focus on preventive maintenance through easy work order management and automated reports that highlight trends and help you ensure compliance with standards like OSHA.

Bottles being filled with orange colored drink in bottling plant

Food Manufacturing

eMaint reduces the labor that goes into maintenance planning, increases the uptime of vital assets, and makes audits effortless for manufacturers of food, beverage, and related products.

Automobile frames on a rolling assembly line in automotive plant

Automotive Parts Manufacturing

Manufacturers in the automotive industry, especially in the competitive electric vehicle (EV) industry, must meet rigorous quality standards and supply demands. eMaint lets you effortlessly track assets, spare parts, and machine performance so that unplanned downtime and product defects are a thing of the past.

Two maintenance workers inspecting a big aviation jet engine

Aviation and Aerospace Manufacturing

In the aviation industry, where product quality and total reliability are paramount, maintenance overtime often runs rampant. eMaint is designed to simplify work order management to reduce administrative overhead, boost uptime, and achieve best-in-class performance.