SDI Industries Expands Maintenance Services Using eMaint CMMS
Customer Since: 2008 | Industry: Services
SDI Industries provides turnkey material handling solutions to large-scale distribution centers worldwide. The Maintenance Services Division needed a system that could be used in multiple locations, and had user-friendly, all-encompassing features. They chose eMaint, and due to the flexibility of the software, SDI’s client case continues to grow, bringing in new customers monthly. Technicians are able to manage work orders remotely using laptops and Mobile MX. eMaints extensive auto-reporting capabilities are also vital to SDI Industries success, providing important data that makes it easy to spot trends quickly.
SDI Industries, based in Pacoima, California, provides turnkey material handling solutions to large-scale distribution centers world-wide. Over the past 30 years, they have evolved from an equipment manufacturer to a total logistics and distribution fulfillment solutions provider. The Maintenance Services Division provides full-service maintenance packages and on-site maintenance technicians to maintain the material handling systems and oversee all of the maintenance functions of a customer’s distribution center.
The Maintenance Services Division needed a CMMS solution that could be implemented at client locations as part of their full-service maintenance package. They needed a system that could be deployed at multiple locations, had a comprehensive feature set (including integrated inventory management and preventive maintenance) yet was easy- to-use.
After a thorough evaluation of several CMMS packages, eMaint was chosen. A user-friendly, intuitive interface combined with flexible configurations (that could be tailored to individual client’s needs) were the primary reasons for selecting eMaint CMMS. After the completion of on-site training and custom configurations, they began rolling out the full-service program to clients. SDI requires that eMaint be utilized as part of every full-service maintenance contract to ensure that preventive maintenance best practices are in place and equipment uptime is maximized.
eMaint is utilized to track all work requests and schedule PM and repair work orders at each client location. Reorder points are set for parts and POs are auto-generated when the on-hand balance falls below the reorder point. They also use eMaint to provide each client with customized reports and graphs at a detail and summary level.
Jim Baum, head of SDI’s Maintenance Services Division, notes that although SDI had extensive requirements for a CMMS provider, he believes that eMaint has surpassed their expectations in every way. Thanks in large part to the reliability and flexibility of eMaint CMMS, SDI has been able to grow their client base to a total of thirty active accounts (seven of whom are full-service accounts) and bring on new customers each month. For its full-service clients — including distributions centers for Gildan, Argix Direct, IDS, BCBG, Bon Ton and Stage Stores — SDI uses eMaint to track and manage maintenance of all equipment.
SDI field technicians are able to login to their eMaint system remotely via mobile laptops to manage work orders, PMs, and parts requirements for other customer locations, including distribution centers for JC Penney, Nordstrom, Jimmy Jazz, MedTurn, Tommy Hilfiger, and Signal Products, among others. UPS, one of SDI’s largest full-service clients, values eMaint because of its extensive reporting capabilities. The reports, which are auto-generated and auto-emailed weekly and monthly, provide vital data to all levels of management that enable both UPS and SDI to spot trends quickly.
- Ability to quickly adapt to different clients’ needs
- Intuitive interface shortens learning curve
- Track work requests, PM’s, repair work orders, and parts inventory
- Technicians are able to access eMaint anywhere with laptop computers
- Auto-generated purchase orders based on reorder points for improved inventory turns
- Automated monthly reports and accompanying graphs that are customizable for individual clients
“We require that eMaint be utilized as part of every full- service maintenance contract to ensure preventive maintenance best practices are in place.”
Jim B., Director of Maintenance Services, SDI Industries