Looking disorganized and flustered during an audit is not the best way to start. Perhaps you have a safe quality food (SQF) or EPA audit coming up, or an OSHA inspection.

With a computer maintenance management system (CMMS), you wouldn’t be digging through files for hours or scrambling to find lost or missing paperwork. CMMS software enables you to organize, store, and quickly access audit-related documents in one place and create reports instantly to show that you’re in compliance. No paper needed.

A CMMS can:

  • Store evidence of compliance and demonstrate your records management
  • Decrease the time to prepare and complete an audit
  • Create a document trail for future audits

A CMMS such as eMaint is highly configurable. Learn how three organizations maximized the system to meet their unique needs and ensure regulatory compliance.

Create custom work requests

Monogram Foods, a snack foods manufacturer, required a CMMS that would enable it to view maintenance activity at all nine of its plants. The company also wanted to maintain its clean food-safety record by ensuring that each facility followed regulations and passed all audits. The organization worked with eMaint CMMS experts to customize the software to recognize audit-related work requests as priorities.

“We have instructed each of the plants that if a work request has to do with an audit, the work request should be put through as an audit. The CMMS software then automatically categorizes it as an audit request. We can pull up all of our requests by any audit, which makes it very easy to track them.”

– Dee Robison, eMaint CMMS Administrator for Monogram Foods

Monogram Foods screenshot of eMaint CMMS

Automate preventive fleet maintenance and the scheduling of service

Carter BloodCare counts on a large fleet of vehicles to help its teams supply lifesaving blood to hundreds of Texans and others every day. The nonprofit uses stored CMMS data to create reports quickly to show auditors how it is complying with regulations.

“We had to show auditors the maintenance records on our vehicles. These days, when it’s time for an audit, if they ask to be shown the records for a vehicle that was driven to collect blood units, the information can be accessed instantly using the CMMS.”

– Gus Cortes, IS Applications Manager for Carter BloodCare

Carter Blood donation vehicles for blood drive

Provide a bird’s eye view of operations

Automotive manufacturers must comply with strict regulations and face some of industry’s toughest audits. Martinrea Metallics uses the enterprise-level eMaint CMMS to help its multi-site operations stay in compliance. With one click of a button, company personnel can instantly bring up a report requested by the auditor.

“We had an audit done by BMW in our Hopkinsville facility after we started implementing eMaint across the other plants. They described it as world-class. When you can sit a customer in front of a computer and basically show them your entire operation, they were very impressed.”

–  Brent, Technical Group Manager for Martinrea Metallics

Martinrea image of warehouse floor

With a CMMS, you can track safety-related PMs, create custom work order types, automate safety audit reminders, and more. Customize the software to fit your organization’s unique needs and ensure you’re in control of maintenance and in compliance.

Visit eMaint.com to learn more about the powerful capabilities of a CMMS.