eMaint’s Time Clock Feature lets you clock into the eMaint X4 CMMS from the desktop dashboard or the mobile menu. The system stores your location and time, allowing you to track time outside of a work order.
Clock In Procedure
Step 1: Select “Clock In” from the Home page.
Step 2: Select the “Clock In” button.
Step 3: You will be returned to the menu on the Home page.
When ready, select “Clock Out.”
Your Start Time and Stop Time will be displayed, then Clock Out.
Select “Clock In” from the Clock-In/Clock-Out Wizard on the Dashboard.
You’ll see a green arrow and a “Clocked in” message.
When you’re ready, select the red “Clock Out” button.
The system displays a message showing your “Time Tracked.”
User Clock-In Tracking
Locate the User Clock-In Tracking table.
In the List View, track the “Clocked In” and “Clocked Out” Time for all users or filter for specific User IDs.
To view the record, select or view the Record ID.
The “Clocked In” and “Clocked Out” times are displayed.
User Roles: Work Order & Sign-On Options
You must clock in to use the sign-on feature.
Follow these 8 steps.
NOTE: The system will not allow you to Clock Out
if you are still signed on to a work order.
You can then Clock Out successfully.